
Excelente, imprescindible.
Phil Keaggy es uno de los grandes musicos que es admirado por muchos guitarristas en quienes ha dejado una gran influencia, en 1970 forma a Glass Harp junto con el baterista John Sferra y Dan Pecchio, en el bajo con los cuáles deja grabado 3 discos y al cuál abandona para emprender una carrera como solista.
1.-Can You See Me
2.-Childrens Fantasy
3.-Changes(In the heart of my own true love)
4.-Village Queen
5.-Black Horse
7.-Whatever Life Demands
8.-Look In The Sky
10.-On Our Own
11.-Voice of God Call Out
Contraseña: sam1957
Aquí (Corregido)
6 comentarios:
Hola amigo, ya tengo ganas de incarle el diente a esta estupenda subida, pero el track nº 3 no puedo descomprimirlo.
Puedes hecharle un vistazo?
Muchas gracias
One of my Alltime Favorites.Thanks
Track 3 la senha no dá!!!!
Lo he vuelto a subir, haber si ahora no falla ninguna pista al descomprimir
GREAT ALBUM! my copy disappeared years ago, so I got lucky finding this blog....oh yeah, what's the password?
While we certainly appreciate the interest, we'd also like to point out that Glass Harp is alive and well, and sell this album (along with all other studio albums and several live albums) at http://www.glassharp.net. With no real ongoing label contract or distribution agreement, selling our music as independent artists really does contribute to our actual livelihood. While we can see some merits to file sharing, we would hope that our true fans might realize/respect the fact that real people lose out sometimes when music is thrown out on the web for the taking.
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